Introduction to Buddhism – Part 4

Question and answer Question (Shona): How do I apply Buddhist philosophy to my life? If I try to analyse my feelings the way you described, I sometimes get trapped in the psychology and make the emotions stronger. How can I stop doing this? Answer (JC) I can relate to the question because that’s what I

Introduction to Buddhism – Part 3

The history of Buddhism Tai Chi power is a perfect philosophy: it teaches you how to bring your energy together into any point. The longer you train, the more detailed philosophy you know – how to connect the energy, how to release tension, how to have better posture, how to concentrate, how to put emotion

Introduction to Buddhism – Part 2

The difference between Buddhism and religion Buddhism teaches us what dharma is. Dharma is a word that represents The system of life The complete truth of life The complete awareness of life The essence, function, and goal of life Why did Siddhartha Buddha bring dharma to Earth? Because he knew that there were consciousness –

Introduction to Buddhism – Part 1

What is Buddhism for? Sharing creates emotion. Humans can’t survive without sharing, so they have very strong emotions. There aren’t many animals that take care of their children for as long as humans do. We feed them by hand for two or three years, we house and protect them until they are adults. Many animals

Knowing by Heart

Knowing by Mind Whenever you think that you know something by mind, it’s actually a sign that you aren’t aware by heart; when you aware by heart, you don’t use your brain to think. When your heart is aware, you don’t have to use your brain anymore; you just do it, perfectly, by intuition. Your