The First Three Types of Bodhisattva level Spiritual Kindness   This book from Pure Name Buddha teaches thirty different types of kindness without ego. Another book teaches a thousand, and they are just examples. If you want to make your kindness power a hundred per cent pure, you can spend your whole life learning about kindness. We won’t try to learn thirty types

Energy is not energy

Energy is not energy. Energy is what we call energy. Energy is a mystery. It’s a mystery that we can aware of. Energy exists but truly is empty. Energy is the creative force, but is without observable reality. Your idea of energy is wrong. Light is not bright; light is dark: it reflects off things.

No Beginning, No End Great Sun Buddha – Vairocana

No Beginning, No End Great Sun Buddha – Vairocana   Full spiritual name for bowing: No Beginning, No End Great Sun Buddha   Sanskrit Name: Vairocana. See wikipedia here.   Mantra: Lyrics: Om Namo Bhagavate Sarvate Gate, Varsuddhani Rajaya, Ta Tha Ga Ta Ya Arahate Sam Yak Sam Buddhaya, Ta Dya Tha Om Sodhani Sodhani

What is Your Favourite Philosophy?

What helps you most? Which do you feel the most? (Everyone shares their favourite philosophy.) Arse-kicking: people don’t do it to themselves enough. Not making negative comments is one example I can work on. Hold nothing, in relation to the first Eternal Dharma Truth that all the appearing form is constantly changing. When I’m experiencing

The Five Developments: Two Parts of Life

The Five Developments are a sequence of ideas that describe how you create your experiences or awareness boundary. (Your awareness boundary is the limitation of your consciousness, e.g. how far you can see, the level of your education, or your emotional maturity.) The ideas consist of two different concepts: Illusion Being and consciousness. Illusion Being