The Eight-fold Path

Reincarnation is blindness.

The first form of Tai Chi teaches centre power and explosion power. Once learned, you can use light, sensitive moves.

Even when light, joyful, sensitive, and abstract, Tai Chi still looks powerful. Without centre rotation power from your foot exploding in a light, sensitive and free way, you can’t join your whole body together to create that powerful appearance.

Zhang Seng Feng created the Tai Chi forms because he wanted people to have a healthier life. He came up with the idea of hiding this outcome in the techniques of martial arts; the highest principle of martial art is a secret!

Watching the Zhang Seng Feng form develops your ability to feel the future.

The ten explosion forms will damage your body even if you are completely relaxed. There is no way to drive Lamborghini at top speed without causing parts to break or wear out, and it’s much more powerful than a human body. Your nerves are so sensitive that they can feel every problem.

There are many angles that allow you to see bad things in a good way.

Push people away while standing on one leg, the other foot brought up to your groin, power united from centre. If my broken leg can be cured then everyone can benefit from that wisdom.

Whatever you look at from a wise angle looks great: life is perfect and remains perfect.

The Eight-fold Path

1.      Correct understanding: What is the Truth of Life? What is illusion? Hold nothing, develop compassion, concentrate, and observe deeply everything about life.

2.      Correct thinking: Continue thinking about it and practise, as with Tai Chi. Keep going, because it doesn’t become reality unless you practise it and think about it to absorb it. Once you think about it, it becomes your power, it becomes…

3.      Correct speaking: This is now your power. Use correct change from the first two to modify their influence from negative, wrong-speaking karma into right karma which is…

4.      Correct action: You won’t act against your understanding. You think about it, you speak about it, you naturally understand that life should have…

5.      Correct meaning: What is required to make meaning appear?

6.      Correct concentration: This is not to impatiently repeat an action, but to always do it with higher quality – level should never drop. Zen Pig’s 12-point Chi Gong form is now the same level as the first-generation students: timing, power flow, balance, fingers, and light posture. It’s professional level. His understanding follows the philosophy. Once you concentrate for a long time it becomes…

7.      Correct intention: Deep in your heart, a naturally meaningful life develops. You have no more outside influences, only inside influences. Once the inside is correct, once your heart has the right intention, is safe, steady, free from greed, living in the present, sure, wise, and without fear or nonsense…

8.      Correct meditation appears.

Question (Sean Pig)

What is the correct understanding?


This is the best question because all the rest depend on it. The correct answer is one word: causation.

Understanding means correct dharma (the system of life). Avoid bad intention and the causes of reincarnation. A spiritual life dedicated to Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land system is the most amazing causation.

Think about how you can correctly adopt this system.

In life, causation connects to many things. Causation means changing, changing needs something before it to create new effects. Every new cause represents changing, changing represents illusion, and illusion means there is no individual essence, except all the essence that comes from consciousness.

If everything changes from something else, then there is no self. If there’s no self, then there’s nothing there. It’s like a movie, which depends on the projection of light. Light depends on electricity flowing to the projector, so showing a movie depends on many people. Even though the image looks real, truly nothing is there.

The movie is a two-sense illusion (of sound and light). However, human beings can see, hear, smell, taste, touch, and think: you are in a six-consciousness illusion.

Illusion means that nothing is there except what is created by the consciousness. So what creates the movie? Consciousness. Your “life movie” comes from your own consciousness. Causation means that life comes from consciousness.

Causation represents changing, so is also emptiness. Changing means everything comes from other, so there is no self and it is therefore empty. If everything is empty, then causation represents holding nothing. Holding onto something is foolish. When you try to hold things, you create negative karma which causes suffering, so causation represents your own karma. You create karma; causation represents creating no bad karma for yourself.

The Three Conditions are the bridge between cause and effect that lets you make this happen.

Following the Eight-fold Path creates good karma.

Bow sincerely.

This post is taken from a talk by Forever Wisdom Forest on 5 October 2012 at the Sydney dojo.

One thought on “The Eight-fold Path

  1. Erin Schoeck says:

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