Move in harmony and keep the spine straight. Be steady like a mountain, but act like wind.
Be light and sensitive. The whole body’s strength remains connected as one. Energy vibrates exciting.
Defend System
Stay calm: observe and be aware of the coming situation so you have a better chance to defend and attack at the same time.
Stay in contact with the opponent without going against him so you can anticipate his moves and search for weak points. Then you’ll control the fight.
Power System
All the forces start from the feet, lead to the waist, and end in the fingers.
Use the strength of energy explosion, free like empty space. Prepare your power without letting your opponent know.
Control System
Stand square with strong but flexible roots. Use circular moves freely to defend and attack with sharp, spinning triangle (Physical control).
Be aware of your body motion in the Four Elements. Be free to copy the strength of all lives, as your heart wishes (Consciousness control).
Being Nature
Every move is a trick of Yin and Yang, to attack and defend in one movement, free to change with no limitation.
Intention, feelings, and actions are like a blowing cloud or flowing water. All your movements should be like nature.
General Description
To have no tension, free your body and your intention. The true freedom is being aware of the essence of life: wuji (no limitation).
When wuji acts, it creates Tai Chi (Yin and Yang together). These two extreme, opposite forces divide into the Four Elements (earth, water, fire, and wind).