True Love

Summary of True Love This passage describes love as a selfless, generous, and purifying force that helps us connect with and appreciate the beauty in the world around us. It also emphasizes the idea that true love is not bound by time or space, and is not limited to romantic or personal relationships. Instead, true

Human Beings

Humans are one kind of life form which exists on Earth. We use thinking power to develop our civilisation and are the dominant species on Earth, but this definition doesn’t help people understand what human beings truly are. In some religions, humans are the creation of a god. According to science, we are the result

Four Eternal Elements with Eight Universe Qualities

Earth element has the quality of being hard or getting soft. Water element has the quality of being wet or getting dry. Fire element has the quality of being hot or getting cold. Wind element has the quality of moving or getting calm. All the appearing forms in the universe consist of four eternal elements

The Three Eternal Dharma Truths

If observed from time and space and from every angle, the Three Eternal Dharma Truths cannot be broken. Whether you are aware of it or not, they will always remain. Past, present or future, they remain the same truth. It is the truth about life and how it works, the truth about the whole universe,