Each awareness you are aware of limits your ability to be aware of all the other awareness.
Whatever we value is what we will be aware of, but it is also our limitation until our value is unlimited, until we value all life equally, and until we have no more greed in life. Then there is no limitation.
Three phases of wisdom
- Written.
- Absorb.
- Practice until it becomes nature.
Levels of concentration
- Protect your joyful child heart.
- Stay away from bad habits and negative influences.
- Understand the true value to develop the truth of life.
- Share the development of true wisdom with someone spiritual.
- Make your first priority to get rid of ego, creating harmony. Be sincere and honest to develop trust.
- Concentrate without needing to concentrate.
The whole universe is an amazing existence to help you wake your Spirits and understand your eternal self.
Buddhism is the central wisdom of the entire universe, in all of space, in all of time. If you understand it, then no amount of bad karma will influence you. Amitabha Buddha’s system is the centre of that central wisdom.
- Joy and happiness result from harmony between your Child Heart and your wisdom. Stress from your Ego will destroy your naturally pure heart. Value the care of your body; remain harmonious inside and out.
- Avoid pollution from people with bad intentions and negative characters. This will keep away bad karma. Spend time and connect with people who are pure and joyful. This will create good karma.
- Always challenge yourself to achieve a higher standard.
Every life is searching for happiness. The path we take might be misguided, but in essence we are all looking to avoid suffering. Happiness can’t exist in the past or future, it is an ability to enjoy every present.
The ability to enjoy life is 25% of your Eternal Heart. Lose that, and you lose 25% of your heart.
- The wise person will want to spend time with other wise people. When you are doing this, you are “into dharma”. The gate of spirits.
- Your body is a temple. Learn to make your body harmonious with its surroundings. Live in Dao.
- Your heart will not blindly follow anything from outside – which is the wise spiritual discipline. Do not try to fight against external negative influences. Instead, be harmonious and find the Middle Way of dharma.
- Your heart should never be greedy. This is the key to the kingdom of freedom.
- Let your heart know the difference between things, but not judge that difference from your Ego. When you can do that, your heart becomes pure and calm; the Comparing Heart does not appear and the pure, equal, Spiritual Heart appears.
- Care for other life the same way you care for yourself because you know that the pain and suffering which you’re trying to escape is the same that they are trying to escape. This is the natural compassion Spiritual Heart.
- Understand that all the appearing form is constantly changing and reach the natural self-being. Be free to observe, be free to enjoy life, hold nothing but share everything.
A bodhisattva’s level of patience is not for their Ego needs but for compassion while helping others. Understand that even though someone’s level is low, they still have potential to develop. A bodhisattva’s patience is to recognise the journey ahead and be prepared to accompany them, using the Convenient System with patience and joy. Bodhisattvas are learning to be free from the high-level spiritual Ego created by their compassion.
Buddha awareness is No Beginning, No End patience. All compassion is an illusion. Illusion is a teacher, and the Ego of having to finish being compassionate is also an Ego illusion trick that bodhisattvas are learning to see through.
Be eternally kind, caring, joyful, and free.
Be true to your heart.
This is true freedom.
You’re right about the titles being bland. We’ve done it this way because it makes posts easier to organise and keep track of. This is the first blog any of us have done so we’re still feeling our way.