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Meditation – How to see life as illusion

Meditation: How to see life as illusion


This class talks about a meditation taught by Observing Life Sound Bodhisattva two thousand years ago.

But the technique is even more relevant today for our fast paced lives.

Even amongst our technology and social media we must find the time to calm our heart and mind back to peace again.

The wise man knows that with the discipline to practice he can develop anything.

So why not develop the ability to become calm and aware any second.

And then use that awareness to help yourself and anyone out of suffering and back into joy.


Siddhartha Buddha asked many high consciousness including Buddhas and Bodhisattvas how they reached enlightenment and the best system for humans to practice to do the same.

Using the sense of hearing was the technique taught by Observing Life-Sound Bodhisattva.

A summary is below.


Further reading

For introductory reading see these posts as well.


Observing life sound Bodhisattva – Listening Meditation

Listening Ability Meditation

Observing Life Sound Listening Meditation


Function of the Meditation:

To purify our hearts and minds through meditation on sound, which allows you to observe the Four Eternal Hearts philosophy.


Meditation Technique:

  • Don’t observe the sound and listening to give it a label. (Note: We do this automatically anyway :);
  • Listen purely like an innocent child, no negative-judgmental heart or greedy knowledge-label heart;
  • Do not follow the labelling you give to the sound;
  • Observe who is observing the sound;
  • Which makes you separate from the sound;
  • Then eventually searching-heart will stop running.


Why does this Meditation technique work?

  • Searching heart stops you from seeing through life as illusion
  • Because everything is constantly changing;
  • And we have an ego with searching, judging heart;
  • Connect to it you follow this changing power;
  • So you are not aware of eternity;
  • When you start to separate you start to become aware of eternity;
  • And only once you purify yourself can you be aware of the Four Eternal Hearts


Shortcut lifestyle Meditation system: Away from Judgemental heart.

  • Directly live in the present, because you don’t want to judge, don’t care, you’re right away free, directly not want to be possessive of anything, right away light, directly don’t want all of this illusion boundary to become so heavy for you and make you take it as so important;
  • Directly create good intention for everyone so right away four eternal heart can grow;
  • Instead of your mind thinking and calculating because that itself is the searching heart;
  • Don’t use your dirty hand to clean your dirty face. You would directly use pure water. The same is true for our hearts. Use pure, perfect, eternal wisdom to clean them and make them bright again.

Sifu’s further commentary: How to get rid of judgemental heart to know the difference?

  1. Personal judgemental takes us out of this direct technique.
  2. We have a lot, a lot, a lot of judgment to the world outside and to ourselves inside.
  3. This leads to… comparing heart, not good enough, unsure, doubt… and then worry about all that… and then fear from doing that too much…
  4. Judgemental habit creates stress, when you have judgemental about external you are are in trouble, when we have judgemental internal, trouble is in you! 🙂

So where is the line between judgemental and knowing the difference?

  1. Know the difference you have to take out I. Bigger view to see more angles, not just my own ego, desire, personal want, narrow angle to judge.
  2. That is called pure observation.
  3. Normally you won’t create personal that way.
  4. Still aware of the difference, but aware without judgemental and comparing heart, aware the function. Like use mouth to eat rice, not use butthole.

Sifu’s practical, lifestyle meditation out of judgement

  1. There is no second I don’t want to observe more angles, pure, take out I.
  2. My ability, my wisdom is not high enough to reach what I am looking for yet. But my willing heart never stops doing that.
  3. Like Tai Chi you are aware of the disciplines but can’t reach it always yet right?

Now it’s your turn to practice 🙂



From a class given by Forever Wisdom Forest on the 9th of November, 2012

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