Immortal Meditation Technique

Immortal Meditation Technique

  1. Breathing and warm up
    1. Create temple hand pose
    2. As you breathe in rotate the pinky-finger side of the hands in towards the body and up like a ball in and up and then rolling away from you, pulling the low stomach in and lifting the chest up and forward gently and raising the energy straight up the spine
  2. Reduce thinking – 90% of the subject we think about as a habit is unnecessary to survive (worry, fear.) Babies constantly stay young because their body uses it’s energy to go into remaining healthy.
  3. Reduce greed – 90% of what we receive from our senses has no function

Practice this steadily to be ready for the next level.

Once you reach this level I will help you to continue for the final level – Immortal Meditation.


Student question: Why is it 90%?

Sifu answer: Actually I reduce the number to 90%, if I told you the truth that is was 100%, you probably would not want to practice!

<Everyone laughs 🙂 >