How to handle death in your family

Here is details from Sifu helping a student with a death in their family… insert your family member into the … part.

Life is for learning the true value.

What just happened with your … hopefully can help you even more awakened to value your own health and family’s health and out of blind lifestyle.

You should not feel sad, that means the greed and holding is in you. That sad is not because you love them, Love has no sadness, love is joy.

Sadness comes from holding blind habit, and your own fear of death, so wake up from your blind emotion personal trick.

I know it sounds sharp and cold but free from this sadness personal ego drama that your blindly addicted to, allows for freedom to appear and peace will arise.

True wisdom of hold nothing will shine and bring the calmness. Try to bow to hell bodhisattva to change your …’s karma, that’s something more wise and kind for them.

Being sad is no good for anyone, in fact it just makes yourself more troubles and damage your health.

Stay wise and peaceful.