Innocence, Pure and Naïve : Unlocking the Big Secrets to a Masterpiece of a Life

Innocence, Pure and Naïve: Unlocking the Big Secrets to a Masterpiece of a Life

“Innocence, Pure and naive – are three words that may seem interchangeable but, in reality, hold vastly different meanings.

Imagine innocence as a blank canvas, pure as a masterfully painted masterpiece, and naive as a canvas smeared with the wrong colours.

Innocence vs Pureness: What is the difference in Buddhist Wisdom

Innocence is the beginning stage of pureness without the wisdom to see through all the blindness

Pureness as a wisdom ability includes innocence but is above innocence, with wisdom to see through the blindness and remain pure.

That’s why we say Amitabha Buddha Pure Land, not innocent land.

Grow up – blind innocence is the seed of suffering.

Stay pure – wise intention to create joy for every life.


Innocence, Pureness and Naive
Innocence, Pureness and Naive

Is Innocence Good or Bad?


Sean Free: Cool. So Innocent is still naive and curious but being pure is through wisdom?

Sifu: Innocent is no good or bad but can be both ways.

Without developing wisdom, innocence is just a seed of suffering because innocent is blind and pure.

Innocence is a seed of suffering

When innocent through curious and observing eternal wisdom, self-being heart,

Then blindness disappears.
Innocence develops into a pure, kind, caring, wise and joyful Heart.

Innocence is neutral

What is Naive in Buddhist Philosophy?

Naive is surely blind to bad innocence.

So naive is not the same as innocent.

Summary of Innocence, Pureness and Naive in Buddhist Philosophy

Innocence is the starting point, a wide-eyed wonderment, but without the wisdom to see through the world’s illusions, it’s just a seed of suffering.

On the other hand, Pureness is like a wise old sage who can see through blindness and remain untouched by the world’s impurities. That’s why we speak of the Amitabha Buddha Pure Land, not the innocent land.

Blind innocence is a slippery slope to suffering. But stay pure, with the wise intention to create joy for every life. Naivety is not the same as innocence. Naivety is blindness to the bad, while innocence is neutral.

So, we can strive to develop that wise and joyful heart, that pureness that sees through the illusions and creates true joy for all.

Practical Exercises to Your Develop Observing Ability

  1. Meditation: Regular meditation can help you develop a deeper understanding of pureness and wisdom. This can be done through mindfulness meditation, which can help you become more aware of your thoughts and emotions and find a neutral space to enjoy observing from, in future.
  2. Journaling: Writing about your thoughts and feelings can help you gain insight into your state of mind and how it relates to the concepts of purity and wisdom.
  3. Reading and Reflecting: Reading philosophy on the subject of wisdom and pureness can give you a deeper understanding of the concepts discussed in the post. Reflecting on what you have read and how it relates to your life can help you gain a deeper understanding.
  4. Service: Practicing selfless service can help cultivate a pure and wise heart. Generosity, when it is without ego, is natural pureness. By helping others without expecting anything in return, you can gain a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings and the importance of creating joy in every life.
  5. Mindfulness in daily life: Try to be more mindful in your daily actions and decision-making. This can help you become more aware of your thoughts, emotions, and actions and how they relate to the concepts of purity and wisdom.