Definition of Empty

In Buddhism the word empty is used in many ways to describe different subjects as empty.
1. Nothing there empty
2. Thinking that there is something that is empty – Rohan think they have to find emptiness
3. Bored, lonely, useless feeling, heart is empty
4. Empty space is empty
5. Illusion being is empty – can appear with no essence as it comes from others, four elements are empty. If it comes from consciousness then it has no self already.
6. All appearing form is empty because:
Before it appears it’s empty
When it disappears it’s empty
So of course what is in between is surely empty.
7. Because of this, all appearing form is empty, whatever we receive is empty, and whatever we are aware of is empty.
Therefore illusion being, receiving thinking, acting, awareness are all empty.
8. Consciousness is empty – has no form therefore it’s empty
Depending on the subject you want to talk about is the type of empty you’re referring to or using.
Function of emptiness:
Free from thinking, fear and worry.
Because emptiness doesn’t have worry, thinking or fear. So emptiness is out of this pollution, out of all this blindness suffering.
If you see through all then you are back to a united one emptiness. This is referred to in Buddhism as – no two. Consciousness, illusion being, empty space are all one. You are out of the connection of having an I that connects to it. Therefore no two.

Function of empty



Does this give more detail to the heart sutra? ⬇

“Illusion being is not different than emptiness, emptiness is not different than illusion being”


I was thinking same thing! Brain wave 😊⚡️

“Free from thinking, fear and worry. Because emptiness doesn’t have worry, thinking or fear. So emptiness is out of this pollution, out of all this blindness suffering.”

So that is why Observinng Self-Being Bodhisattva can release all suffering and pain.. essence have none of that? 🐲


Awesome 3 wise dragon 🐉 pigs has learned very deep of the eternal wisdom philosophy


But only the wisdom becoming natural self being in every day life ,

or it’s only wisdom information from mind🤔 ,not wisdom abilities from heart 💚

Awaken Wise Empty is always pure🈳 ,so can free to create

4 eternal hearts ,

6 Bodhisattva characters

Unlimited Pure land

And help all life developing eternal wisdom without any ego and personal 🧘🕉😃

So great to know we can share the development together 🙏🍀

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