Buddha and Bodhisattva

Meditation – Explanation



We can only be what we are truly aware of.

For example, fish are aware of how to swim, so become living in the water. Birds are aware of how to fly so they develop wings and are free in the sky.

As humans, we are aware of how to think, which is a gift of creation, so we can break our boundary of human limitation. Through creation ability we are able to fly with an airplane, develop a submarine into the deep sea. But thinking is not our final destination of human’s capability. This is the first trick.

Proof? No professional tennis player ever got there just from reading books. It is their own ability hey develop not just mental thoughts.

Meditation is like this.

Meditation is a training to open a new type of awareness about the hidden capability inside our consciousness. It will open up our hidden intuition awareness ability.

Through this training, we learn how to breathe without stress, how to think without worry, and feel free from any fear to open up our inner harmony awareness ability to connect to the entire, amazing universe. Through this development, we can be aware of the sense beyond normal human activity to the border of no limitation.

The common misunderstand of what is meditation: many people think meditation is concentrate to think or try hard to imagine something.


In fact, meditation is through observing all the angles of life or develops training different type of techniques, to become No Thinking, No Searching, No Judging, and No need to Imagine.

Once we reach this point, we are able to unlock our hidden consciousness information and all the amazing unlimited joy awareness will appear by itself through our senses. In Daoism, this is called “Dao”, and in Buddhism is called “Dharma”.

Dao means to reach a perfect final, we have to be aware of the perfect past. Which is stay in harmony with our internal self and external surroundings.

Dharma means the perfect system of life. By being aware of the perfect system of life and not blindly against it, our life becomes perfect.

There are many different systems to train this intuition ability. They are all part of meditation training.

• Breathing Meditation: there are many kinds of breathing technique. Ocean Wave Breathe, Dragon Breathe, Centre of the Universe Breathe, No I Breathe.

• Philosophy Meditation: through observing the system of life, become timeless, fearless, free from stress, and create sure and meaningful direction of life.

• Physical Tension Release Meditation: through healing massage, dry needle, or acupuncture into no physical tension, joyful meditation effect.

• Purify Intention Meditation: by learning how to observe our intention, we learn to purify our intention to create pure, wise intention towards every life.

• Stretching Meditation: stretch with beautiful flow and rotating our body soft to open up our ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Enjoy the motion and present.

• Chi-Gong or Tai-Chi Moving Meditation: to move without tension in elegant, harmony motion, and aware of the relationship of our posture and gravity.

• Energy Control Meditation: to stimulate our energy and develop the meridian line connection and guide our intention to control our energy to expand our senses.

The Tian Tan Buddha statue: accept all the good, refuse all the bad. Photo by tamjty (http://www.flickr.com/photos/tamjty)

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