Guided Meditation Technique
Close your eyes
Now try to feel your body where it is stiff and heavy
Feel your whole body is like a river flowing. Flowing gently and smooth. And all the body flow to where you feel your stiff. And slowly slowly breaking make that stiff open up.
And then add in some more passion make your heart become a sun. feel joyful bright light and steam up all the water. So feel your water flow it become steam softly into the sky and your body become the steam sky lighter and lighter.
Then the steam go into the cloud. You feel no gravity. Every part of your body become cloudy, feel where you are tense, where you ar holding, use this system make them become light, steamy, cloudy.
After that use your feeling to feel all the clouds in your body get lighter, get blown away by the wind and vanish. The wind make the clouds open up and melt and vanish into the space into empty space.
Finally the sunny space opens free, light, empty space, you never feel so light so empty. Then use that empty feeling, joyful light feeling into your mind into your psychology to make them also become empty. Then you will start to feel the emptiness feeling is not you from this body. Then you separate from the body. If you are successful you feel that then you can shut down all your constant worry and thinking, I and my, except light feeling. Light to a point you feel not connected to body.
Your body is so free and you feel free too. Body and mind free and that free makes you start smiling from the heart.
Feel that if anything bother you it is because you don’t use the magic power from your heart let everything go, let everything be, let your heart open and relax and let everything take a rest.
And now when you start to feel lighter, freer, like magic a beautiful bubble pop up into empty space body, shiny and lovely beautiful, so light pop up into every part of your body your body becomes bubbles, beautiful rainbow bubbles everywhere.
They are so light, they flow flow flow reflect beautiful colour. Then bubbles open, disappear, so empty free feeling you can create all kinds of beautiful things, your intention can create beautiful things. To create them you have to empty the cup to fill them.
Then there is a big bubble come up, so big, so many rainbows reflecting, it burst and open from there an energy dragon flying out, smiling at you powerfully, then it come to you and then flying around you, you enjoy that speed, so in empty and light beautiful joyful space you are flying, into a mysterious abstract Pure Land in your heart whenever you wish, how beautiful, how perfect and there in that Pure land you can call Amitabha Buddha’s name, and with sincere heart you can bow to Amitabha Buddha, you bow 10 times sincere, then the Dragon bring you back to the Earth, to your body.
Make sure you come back, open your eyes slowly.

Taken from a class on 15/6/14 in Sydney, Australia.