Zhang Sanfeng – Tai Ji

Zhang Sanfeng – Tai Ji Awareness To have a life means to be sensitive, to be aware of more. If you can’t be delicately and sensitively aware of your body, then you are not aware of life. If you don’t take awareness of your body as your main value, you are blind to the principal

Willing Heart

True Release System: How to stop your blind-creation heart, awaken your amazing, spiritual willing-heart and be sincere to follow it   “Because you never have a habit to check your heart, your spiritual willing heart never appears. Talk to your heart.” – Forever Wisdom-Forest Part One – Stopping your blind-creation heart The philosophy of One

Tai Chi: Four Levels

There are four levels of Tai Chi 1. Condition Level Tai Chi Posture control Chi Gong Stretching Muscle balance development Release tension through acupuncture and massage 2. Healing Level Tai Chi Chi Gong Slow and easy Without explosion Make sure energy goes up not down 3. Martial Art Level Tai Chi All the first two