The Six Bodhisattva Characters: Concentration

The Six Bodhisattva Characters are Generosity, Discipline, Patience, Concentration, Meditation, and Wisdom.

Let us delve deeper into the subject, and it’s the relationship with freedom.


Concentration is the ability to know the main value in any situation. It appears naturally according to our goal.

Mental Concentration is when we are aware of a goal through logical thinking; from that understanding, we try to concentrate on making that goal appear.

Subconsciousness Concentration is when we are aware of a goal from our feelings. The timing and efficiency of this concentration is more delicate and sensitive than mental.

Subconsciousness has two kinds of concentration: blind and aware.

Blind Subconsciousness Concentration is like a hungry animal that is hunting for food. Naturally, the animal concentrates on everything it can sense that matches the goal of hunting; then it uses its skills to match the variables.

Aware Subconsciousness Concentration is a result of combining thoughts and feelings. Through logical observation, we develop a goal, but because we have created the habit of following that goal, we no longer need to think about it.

Spiritual ability comes from subconsciousness awareness. It is the ability to be aware of philosophy instead of concentrating on “I and Mine” desires.

The highest level of concentration is to concentrate without any “I”. When you are not focused on your Illusion I, nothing distracts you. This will help you reach the highest-level concentration: to be empty.

When No I concentration develops into Deep Wise Concentration, it will become “Meditation”.

Steps towards spiritual concentration:

  1. Protect your joyful child’s heart.
  2. Stay away from bad habits and negative influences.
  3. Understand true value to develop the truth of life.
  4. Share your development of true wisdom with spiritual people.
  5. Getting rid of the ego means the harmony is the priority. Being sincere means being honest with yourself and others.
  6. Concentrate without needing to concentrate by following the Eternal Truth of Life from the heart.
  7. Creating Power.

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