True Love

Summary of True Love

  • This passage describes love as a selfless, generous, and purifying force that helps us connect with and appreciate the beauty in the world around us.
  • It also emphasizes the idea that true love is not bound by time or space, and is not limited to romantic or personal relationships.
  • Instead, true love is an open and compassionate way of being that allows us to connect with others and the world in a meaningful way.
  • It involves sharing kindness, caring for others, experiencing joy, and acting with integrity and wisdom.
  • True love is also described as an eternal force that helps us harmonize with the universe.
  • Overall, this passage suggests that true love is a transformative and deeply meaningful aspect of the human experience.

What is True Love?

True love is not to love a particular object (e.g. a person, material, or god). It’s not an idea or a philosophy, nor is it to love whatever we call abstract oneness, such as all the life forms, nature and the rest of the universe. Love is also not to search for truth or to follow any kind of belief.

You cannot get true love, nor can you lose it. It’s not any kind of personal intention, thinking, or action, and there is no procedure, process, or result. It’s not in the past, future, or present.

Love is not limited by time or space but cannot exist without time and space. Love is not any sort of private or personal emotion. It’s not the desire to own or the desire to be owned.

Then what is love?

True love is self-being with a true open heart to enjoy any kind of wonderful being and the ability to learn and absorb this wonderful being.

Love is to release and develop our own potential wonderful awareness, and to help others do the same by connecting to all the wonderful existing appearances (e.g. beautiful music, elegant movement, kind behaviour).

Love is generosity, to share pure kindness, the art of beauty, and our sincere Will of being truthful.

Love is to purify our intention, speaking, and action. It’s the wisdom of knowing how to purify our heart: not to hold, not to grab, not to be possessive.

True love is true wisdom. To share this incredible wisdom, to purify our true heart and others is the truth of true love, and also the eternal truth ability. To harmonise ourselves with all the universe being.

Love is the Four Eternal Hearts: pure kindness, pure caring, joy, and freedom from greed.

Love is also an open, tolerant heart to be aware and to understand all other life. It is the power and freedom to create all the wonderful intention, speaking, and action.

True love is our only True Heart.

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